
【Announcement】2024 Student research paper award open for applications from November 04 to December 03, 2024.

2024-11-01(Fri) Announcement By College of Medical Science and Technology 1068

2024 Student research paper award open for applications from November 04 to December 03, 2024.


Student Research Paper Award Application Procedure

1. Submit application online

2. Verification by advisor and department head

3. Verification by Research and Development committee

4. Applicants will be notified by e-mail in January


Application Details for Best Student Research Paper Award


1、2024 Student research paper award open for applications from November 04 to December 03, 2024.


2Applications of the Student Research Paper Award are open to students of TMU who have published papers, in the name of TMU, as the first authors, with their advisors or co-advisors as the corresponding authors in the name of TMU. The papers must be published in journals listed under the SCI, SSCI, EI or A&HCI journals.


3Each applicant can apply for the award for no more than three research papers published in the year of application, with no more than one applicant applying for each paper.

Applicants may not repeat the application of the award and the Research Paper Award defined by the Reward Index and Work Details for TMU Academic Research Awards using the same research papers.


4The publication date for the paper should be within the 2024 calendar year.


5The attached files should be clearly identifiable and attached in the following order:

(1) International students should also attach passport and residence permit photocopy.

(2) Photocopy of the cover of bank account passbook.

(3) Impact factor for SCI, best ranking and proof from relevant academic field: Please refer to 2024 SCI Journal Citation Report. The published thesis on SSCI, EI, and A&HCI and other journals should attached academic proof from relevant academic field.

(4)The original paper, reprint, galley proofs, and letter of acceptance.

Please highlight for annotation on the paper: the first author, equal contributor, corresponding author, school, publication date, journal name, field of research, impact factor, best ranking, volume number and pages.

(5)New graduates and postdoctoral researchers should attach certificate of graduation. If there are first authors in equal contribution or other authors, their student IDs should be uploaded as well.


6The prize given by the Student Research Paper Award to a paper with only one first author is 50% that given by the Research Paper Award defined by the Reward Index and Work Details for TMU Academic Research Awards.

If the paper has two or more first authors, then the prize shall be calculated as follows:

(1)     If all the first authors are students of TMU, the award shall be calculated as aforementioned.

(2)     If only one first author is a student of TMU, the award shall be calculated as aforementioned and divided by the number of first authors.

(3)     If two or more of the first authors are students of TMU, the award shall be calculated as aforementioned, divided by the number of first authors, and multiplied by the number of students in TMU.

If the sum of all prizes to be granted exceeds the budget of the current year, the prize granted to each paper shall be reduced proportionally.


7 If the amount of the award exceeds the annual budget, each award will be reduced proportionately.


8 Postdoctoral researchers may apply for and receive the award in accordance with the Directions.


9Letters to the editor and commentary articles are not eligible.


10Please refer to rules and regulations regarding Best Student Paper Award and Academic Research Awards of Taipei Medical University Affiliated Hospitals.


11Please press save and send after filling in the information to complete the procedure.


12Please contact the Office of R&D if you have questions (Ms. Tsai, 02-2736-1661 #7114


13Please consult the Office of Information Services with any system operation problems (Ms. Chen, 02-6620-2589 #10313).