Graduation requirements for Ph.D. students and regulations related to the Mega Journal
Announcement of Consensus on Controversial Journal Articles in the College of Medical Science and Technology from the Discussion Meeting held on 2023-07-03.
1. Effective immediately, the use/recognition of predatory journals is strictly prohibited.
2. Graduation requirements for Ph.D. students and regulations related to the Mega Journal will be implemented based on the decision of the school-level conference:
(A) Former students will be granted a two-year buffer period. Journal articles published in the Mega Journal after the two-year period will not be recognized as graduation articles.
(B) Starting from the academic year 2023 Fall semester, all new students will be subject to the rule that journal articles published in the Mega Journal cannot be recognized as graduation articles.
All academic units must communicate this information thoroughly and promote it during the new student orientation.
College of Medical Science and Technology
Controversial Journal Articles including Predatory Journal and Mega Journal.
1. Predatory Journal check service:
2. Mega Journal has two types,
Type 1:
There are doubts regarding the operational models of publishing houses, the review processes of journals, acceptance rates, citation manipulation practices, and other aspects. Examples of such publishers include MDPI, Frontiers Media, Baishideng Publishing Group, OMICS Publishing Group, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, and similar publishers employing similar operational strategies.
Type 2:
Journals that explicitly state on their official websites that they do not base the acceptance or rejection of papers on the perceived scientific importance of reviewers. Journal list in type 2 as follows:
(1) ACS Omega / American Chemical Society
(2) AIP Advances / American Institute of Physics
(3) Biology Open / The Company of Biologists
(4) BMC Research Notes / BioMed Central Ltd.
(5) BMJ Open / BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
(6) Cureus ( Cureus Journal of Medical Science) / Cureus, Inc.
(7) Heliyon / Cell Press
(8) FEBS Open Bio / Wiley
(9) F1000 Research / F1000 Research Ltd.
(10) GigaScience / Oxford Academic
(11) IEEE Access / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(12) Medicine / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
(13) PeerJ / PeerJ Inc
(14) PLoS One / Public Library of Science
(15) QScience Connect / HBKU Press
(16) Royal Society Open Science / The Royal Society
(17) SAGE Open Medicine / SAGE Publications Inc
(18) Scientific Reports / Nature Research
(19) The Scientific World Journal / Hindawi
The journal list in type1&2 refers to the NTU.