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Dr. Pritha Majumder’s laboratory is looking for a full-time

[Job title] 1 full-time research assistant


【Qualifications】Bachelor degree or above in related disciplines

                              Chinese proficiency

                              English proficiency (mostly speaking, some writing)


【Recruiting unit】Taipei Medical University. PhD Program in Medical Neuroscience.

                              Dr. Majumder’s laboratory


【Work address】12F, No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235


【Work content】Spinogenesis, neurodevelopment (learning memory and memory consolidation), neuropathological disorders e.g. ALS and ASD, finding new drug turget


(1) Cell and Tissue staining and immunofluorescence staining,  related quantitative analysis


(2) Primary neuron culture (if not known the related technique will be taught)


(2) Cell and Tissue protein extraction, quantification, and Western blotting


(3) RNA extraction, quantification, and quantitative RT-PCR


(4) Other research-related businesses


[Working benefits] According to the salary standard of NSTC (enjoy labor health insurance and retirement, year-end bonus of 1.5 months)


【Nature of work】full-time


【Contact Person/Contact Information】

1. Personal basic information resume (please detail relevant work experience and familiar experimental techniques)

2. After the qualification review the interview will be notified.

3. Please submit your resume by email. Please indicate "Apply for Full-time Assistant - Name" in the subject of the email, save the relevant resume as a PDF file and send it to pritham@tmu.edu.tw.


Note: Enthusiatic person is required. If techniques are not known there will be opportunity to learn them in my lab.